A Must-Have for Boosting Development Efficiency:Effortlessly Master Remote Debugging of Java Applications in Kubernetes


In today’s cloud-native era, remote debugging of Java applications, especially those running in Kubernetes clusters, is often considered a challenge. However, with the powerful Kubernetes plugin for Visual Studio Code (VsCode), we can greatly simplify this process and enable remote debugging with ease.

1. Environment Setup

First, ensure that both your local environment and Kubernetes cluster are ready. The following tools and environment are required:

  • Kubernetes Cluster: This can be a local Minikube, K3s, or a remote Kubernetes cluster.
  • VsCode: Ensure that you have the latest version of VsCode installed.
  • Java Development Environment: Install JDK locally, and make sure the project has remote debugging enabled.
  • kubectl: Install and configure kubectl to interact with the K8s cluster.

2. Installing kubectl and Connecting to Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl is the command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. Here are the steps to install and connect to your Kubernetes cluster:

Step 1: Install kubectl

Choose the appropriate installation method for your operating system:

  • MacOS: If you use Homebrew, install it with:

    brew install kubectl
  • Windows: Use chocolatey to install:

    choco install kubernetes-cli
  • Linux: Use curl to download it from the official Kubernetes release page:

    curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
    chmod +x kubectl
    sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/

Once installed, confirm it with:

kubectl version --client

Step 2: Connect to Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl needs a proper configuration file to connect to your K8s cluster, usually named kubeconfig. Common scenarios include:

  1. Using Minikube (local K8s cluster): If you’re using Minikube, a local K8s cluster, you can start the cluster and configure kubectl with:

    minikube start
    minikube kubectl -- get pods
  2. Using a Remote Kubernetes Cluster: If you are using a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud (e.g., Google Kubernetes Engine or Amazon EKS), obtain the kubeconfig file from your cloud provider or operations team. Place the file in ~/.kube/config or specify the path with this command:

    export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/your/kubeconfig

Step 3: Verify Connection

Use the following command to verify successful connection to the K8s cluster:

kubectl get nodes

If you see the node information from the cluster, the connection is successful.

3. Installing the VsCode Kubernetes Plugin (Optional)

The Kubernetes plugin for VsCode allows seamless integration with Kubernetes clusters. If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you can skip this step. Here’s how to install it:

  1. Open VsCode and go to the Extensions marketplace.
  2. Search for the Kubernetes plugin developed by Microsoft.
  3. Click Install and restart VsCode to ensure the plugin is active.

Additionally, you may want to install the following extension to improve the debugging experience:

  • Debugger for Java: Used for debugging Java applications.

4. Configuring Remote Debugging

To debug a Java application running in a Kubernetes Pod, ensure that the application is running in remote debugging mode. Follow these steps to configure remote debugging for your Java application:

Step 1: Enable Remote Debugging in the Java Application

When starting your Java application, include remote debugging parameters in the startup command. For example, add the following JVM options in your Dockerfile or startup script:


This allows the Java application to listen on port 5005, waiting for a remote debugging connection.

Step 2: Configure Debug Settings in VsCode

If you have the Kubernetes plugin installed, you can skip this step and directly use the plugin’s functionality.

  1. Open the project directory in VsCode, and click the Run and Debug option.
  2. Add a new Java remote debugging entry to the debug configuration. Here’s an example configuration:
    "type": "java",
    "name": "Attach to Remote Java Process",
    "request": "attach",
    "hostName": "localhost",
    "port": 5005

If your Kubernetes Pod exposes a different port or uses a different IP address, modify the hostName and port values accordingly.

Step 3: Expose the Debug Port

Ensure the debug port in the Pod is exposed. You can use the kubectl port-forward command to map the Pod's port 5005 to your local machine:

kubectl port-forward pod/my-java-app-xxxx 5005:5005

# For example, debugging a pod in the kj-job namespace in the qa environment:
kubectl port-forward pods/kj-job-5c9df78ff-x9dg4 5005:20000 -n kj-qa

This allows VsCode to connect to the Pod running in the Kubernetes cluster.

5. Start Debugging

Once the application is deployed and port forwarding is set up, you can begin remote debugging using VsCode.

  1. Open VsCode and ensure the Kubernetes plugin is connected to the K8s cluster.
  2. In the debug configuration, select the previously created "Attach to Remote Java Process" configuration.
  3. Click Start Debugging, and VsCode will attempt to connect to the Java application in the K8s Pod.

If everything is set up correctly, you’ll be able to debug the Java application in the K8s cluster as if it were running locally, allowing you to set breakpoints, view variable values, and even step through the code.

If you’re using IntelliJ IDEA, use the Remote JVM Debug feature for the same outcome.

6. Summary

This guide provides a detailed overview of how to remotely debug Java applications running in Kubernetes clusters using VsCode. The key steps covered include:

  1. Environment setup: Ensuring the necessary tools and environment, such as a Kubernetes cluster, VsCode, Java development environment, and kubectl.
  2. Installing and configuring kubectl: Learn how to install kubectl and connect to the K8s cluster.
  3. Configuring the Java application: Enable remote debugging in your Java application.
  4. Setting up VsCode: Install the required plugins and create appropriate debug configurations.
  5. Exposing the debug port: Use the kubectl port-forward command to map the Pod’s debug port to your local machine.
  6. Start debugging: Connect to the Java application in the K8s Pod and perform remote debugging using VsCode.

By mastering these steps, developers can easily debug Java applications in Kubernetes environments, greatly improving their ability to diagnose and resolve issues. This remote debugging capability is especially crucial for developing and maintaining applications in complex distributed systems, enabling developers to better understand and optimize applications running in Kubernetes.

I hope this tutorial helps you overcome the challenges of debugging Java applications in Kubernetes environments, enhancing your development efficiency and code quality.

Sure, go ahead.

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